Under The Umbrella

Musically & lyrically healing CD/booklet converted to a webpage, for people on all sides of the mental health spectrum, the afflicted and those that lend a helping hand.
Under the umbrella of mental health, there are a number of therapies that can help those in need. With all the stimuli around us, that push our natural instincts out of proportion it can become too consuming and difficult for one person to handle. This CD/booklet, converted to a webpage, comes from some of these places with the hope that it can reach those that can hear some remedy or message through lyrics and the way they work with music to complement and aid in the process of mental & physical rehabilitation, wellness & recovery. This was produced with the sincere hope to reach these traveled souls where other methods may have fallen short.
Thank you and be well.
– Neil Filo Beddow
Music & Lyrics can be subliminally played in the foyer while we wait. It could be about the reason we’re here and what can be at stake. The chorus might be catchy enough to carry around in a group setting, one on one or maybe a game night with some sound. Each song holds something specific in our mental health wheel as we come to know the how & why in the way we feel.
Strength lies in getting well.
1. “Ray of Light” deals with observed depression, suicide — ‘but the day was saved by a single ray of light’. Hopeful outcome & message.
2. “Worth Coming Back” song about rebirth after a serious bout with alcoholism, addiction & suicide/cutting. Edgy lyrics but ends with hope. “Yes it’s worth coming back from the dead”
3. “Wounded Guardian Angel” overworked guardian angels and friends that try to be there no matter what deals with meth & alcohol.
4. “No Moral to This Story” about isolation, gambling and alcohol. It takes hitting a bottom to get well. Also deals with anger at God.
5. “For as Much as You Worry” a lighter look at worry, anxiety, concern & restlessness & going overboard with these feelings.
6. “Train My Feet” just ‘show up’ the mind and body will follow.
7. “She Couldn’t Begin Again” very edgy start, deals with anger with God. Deals with suicide/anorexia & having the idea of some sort of spiritual life to help stay sane. “We all have the same job — bein’ a decent human bein'”
8. “Angel With Skin” people show up in our lives at the right time – it’s ok not to be perfect. Try to do things differently in a good way.
9. “The Future isn’t Here Today” Don’t future trip. Make amends, show forgiveness – also deals with relationship issues.
10. You Keep Givin’ Drinkin’ a Bad Name” satire/drama of a night on the town & that if drinking is no longer fun so why bother.

Thank You
Ray of Light – Dan Bradner lead guitar, Terry Heaton bass, Dixie Hart vocals & percussion, Sara Hanson vocals & percussion, Amy Olinger flute, Leona Veltkamp keyboards, Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals, Vikki Kelly lyrics.
For as much as you worry (nfb) – Dan Bradner lead guitar, Terry Heaton bass, Dixie Hart vocals & percussion, Sara Hanson vocals & percussion, Amy Olinger flute, Leona Veltkamp keyboards.
You keep givin‘ drinkin’ a bad name (nfb) – Dan Bradner lead guitar, Terry Heaton bass, Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals.
She couldn’t begin again (nfb) – Amy Olinger flute, Dixie Hart vocals & percussion, Sara Hanson vocals & percussion, Leona Veltkamp accordion, Dan Bradner lead guitar, Terry Heaton bass, Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals.
Worth comin‘ back (nfb) – John Sanders bass, Leah Turner vocals, Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals, Kyle Brenner cello, Renee Westlake flute.
Angel with skin (nfb) – John sanders bass, Leah Turner vocals, Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals, Kyle Brenner cello, Renee Westlake flute.
Wounded guardian angel (nfb) – John Sanders bass, Leah Turner vocals, Rob Goodwin electric guitar, Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals, Kyle Brenner cello, Renee Westlake flute.
No moral to this story (nfb) – Terry Heaton bass, Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals.
Train my feet (nfb) – John Sanders bass, Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals, Rob Goodwin accordion.
The future isn’t here today (nfb) – Neil Filo Beddow guitar & vocals, Kyle Brenner cello, John Sanders bass.
All Artwork – Rob Mauro RAM Graphics
Butterfly Catcher & Recorded By – Rob Goodwin
Website – Vincent Palafox – The Gallatin Underground